This demo is generated by Hanchun Wang base on the work with Prof. Boris Khesin
The paper is available at
The published version can be viewed at
A single point vortex on the halfplane can be regarded as a vortex dipole that symmetric on the boundary $(y=0)$ in the full plane. Thus an $N$ point vortex system in the halfplane is equivalent to a $2N$ point vortex system in the full plane which are $N$ point vortices and their $N$ images.
The Green's function on the half-plane $\mathbb{R}_+^2$ is \begin{equation} G_{\mathbb{R}^2_+}\left( {z,z'} \right) = - \frac{1}{{2\pi }}\log ||z - z'||+\frac{1}{{2\pi }}\log ||z - z'^*|| \end{equation}
and the Hamiltonian is \begin{equation} H\left( {{z_1},...,{z_k}} \right) = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i \ne j}^{} {{\Gamma _i}{\Gamma _j}{G_{\mathbb{R}_ + ^2}}\left( {{z_i},{z_j}} \right) + \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_i^{} {{\Gamma _i^2}{\gamma _{\mathbb{R}_ + ^2}}\left( {{z_i}} \right)} } \end{equation} The first term represents the interaction between different vortices with their images; and the second term with ${{\gamma _{R_ + ^2}}\left( {{z_i}} \right)} = \frac{1}{{2\pi }}\log ||z - z^*||$ represents the interaction between a vortex and its image.
For the two point vortices system on the half plane, the Hamiltonian is $$H= \frac{1}{{4\pi }}\log \left( {{{\left( {2{y_1}} \right)}^{\Gamma _1^2}}{{\left( {2{y_2}} \right)}^{\Gamma _2^2}}{{\left( {\frac{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} + {y_2}} \right)}^2}}}{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} - {y_2}} \right)}^2}}}} \right)}^{{\Gamma _1}{\Gamma _2}}}} \right)$$
The motion of equations are $${{\dot x}_1} = \frac{{{\Gamma _1}}}{{4\pi }}\frac{1}{{{y_1}}} + \frac{{{\Gamma _2}}}{{4\pi }}\left( {\frac{{2\left( {{y_1} + {y_2}} \right)}}{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} + {y_2}} \right)}^2}}} - \frac{{2\left( {{y_1} - {y_2}} \right)}}{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} - {y_2}} \right)}^2}}}} \right)$$ and $${{\dot y}_1} = \frac{{ - {\Gamma _2}}}{{4\pi }}\left( {\frac{{2\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}}{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} + {y_2}} \right)}^2}}} - \frac{{2\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}}{{{{\left( {{x_1} - {x_2}} \right)}^2} + {{\left( {{y_1} - {y_2}} \right)}^2}}}} \right)$$
To study vortex bifurcations we normalize their strengths by setting $\Gamma_1=\Gamma_2=1$ for a vortex pair and $\Gamma_1=-\Gamma_2=1$ for a dipole. Furthermore, introduce the following dimensionless parameter
$$W:=(P / \Gamma)^2 \exp \left(-4 \pi \mathcal{H} / \Gamma^2\right)$$measuring the vortex interaction where $\Gamma:=\Gamma_1=\pm \Gamma_2$. As we will see below, the increase of $W$ corresponds to the weakening of the interaction between the point vortices.
We show that $$W=\phi, 1, \frac{1}{\phi}$$ are three bifurcation values.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation, PillowWriter'seaborn-poster')
%matplotlib inline
def calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, y2):
return (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2
def calculate_energy(x1, y1, x2, y2, s1, s2):
t1 = np.square(s1) * np.log(2 * y1)
t2 = np.square(s2) * np.log(2 * y2)
t3 = np.divide((x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 + y2) ** 2, (x1 - x2) ** 2 + (y1 - y2) ** 2)
t4 = s1 * s2 * np.log(t3)
return 1 / (4 * np.pi) * (t1 + t2 + t4)
def calculate_p(pos):
y_coord = pos[:, 1]
s_lst = pos[:, 2]
return y_coord @ s_lst
def calculate_lambd_vec(pos):
x1, y1, s1 = pos[0]
x2, y2, s2 = pos[1]
return s2/s1
def calculate_c_vec(pos):
x1, y1, s1 = pos[0]
x2, y2, s2 = pos[1]
e = calculate_energy(x1, y1, x2, y2, s1, s2)
return np.exp(np.divide(-1 * 4 * np.pi * e, s1 ** 2))
def calculate_w(pos):
c = calculate_c_vec(pos)
p = calculate_p(pos)
lambd = calculate_lambd_vec(pos)
s = pos[0][2]
w = np.power(p/s, 1+lambd*lambd)*c
return w
def rhs(t, S):
s1,s2 = S[0], S[3]
x1,x2 = S[1], S[4]
y1,y2 = S[2], S[5]
ds1, ds2 = 0,0
dx1 = -1 * s2 * np.divide((y1 - y2), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, y2)) \
+ (-1 * (-1 * s1) * np.divide(1, 2 * y1)) \
+ (-1 * (-1 * s2) * np.divide((y1 + y2), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, -1 * y2)))
dy1 = 1 * s2 * np.divide((x1 - x2), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, y2)) \
+ ((-1 * s2) * np.divide((x1 - x2), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, -1 * y2)))
dx2 = -1 * s1 * np.divide((y2 - y1), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, y2)) \
+ (-1 * (-1 * s2) * np.divide(1, 2 * y2)) \
+ (-1 * (-1 * s1) * np.divide((y2 + y1), calculate_distance_sq(x1, -1 * y1, x2, y2)))
dy2 = 1 * s1 * np.divide((x2 - x1), calculate_distance_sq(x1, y1, x2, y2)) \
+ ((-1 * s1) * np.divide((x2 - x1), calculate_distance_sq(x1, -1 * y1, x2, y2)))
return np.array([ds1, dx1, dy1,ds2,dx2,dy2])
Frames = 100
skip = 1200
def main(S0,time=4, fig=True, gif=False):
w= calculate_w(np.array([[S0[1],S0[2],S0[0]],[S0[4],S0[5],S0[3]]]))
w = round(w,3)
t_eval = np.arange(0, time, 0.0001)
sol = solve_ivp(rhs, [0, time], S0, t_eval=t_eval, method='Radau')
if fig:
plt.figure(figsize = (12, 5))
plt.plot(sol.y[1], sol.y[2], c='coral')
plt.plot(sol.y[4], sol.y[5], c='teal')
plt.text(xmin+(xmax-xmin)*0.75, ymax*0.8, f'W = {w}', fontsize = 26, style='italic')
def animate(n):
N = 8
n = n*int((len(sol.y[1])-skip*N)/Frames)
size = np.linspace(2,10,M)**2
# print(n)
plt.scatter(sol.y[1][n:n+skip*N:skip], sol.y[2][n:n+skip*N:skip], s=size, color='coral',edgecolors='grey')
plt.scatter(sol.y[4][n:n+skip*N:skip], sol.y[5][n:n+skip*N:skip], s=size, color='teal', edgecolors='grey')
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.text(xmin+(xmax-xmin)*0.75, ymax*0.8, f'W = {w}', fontsize = 26, style='italic')
if gif:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5))
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=200, frames=Frames)"{w}.gif", dpi=200, writer=PillowWriter(fps=30))
S0=[ 1. , -1.70651513, 0.16676086, -1. , 1.41108151, 1.14676086]
main(S0, time=5, fig=1, gif=0)
S0=[ 1. , -2.30651513, 0.14658999, -1. , 0.81108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=3.5, fig=1, gif=0)
S0=[ 1. , -2.30651513, 0.12658999, -1. , 0.81108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=3, fig=1, gif=0)
xmin, xmax, ymax= -15, 7, 8
S0=[ 1. , -1.30651513, 0.21658999, -1. , 5.81108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=25, fig=1, gif=0)
S0=[ 1. , -1, 0.4545, 1. , -1, 1.06676]
Frames = 120
_=main(S0, time=7, fig=1, gif=0)
S0=[ 1. , -1.30651513, 0.27545, 1. , -1.31108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=12, fig=1, gif=0)
xmin, xmax, ymax= -2, 35, 1.4
S0=[ 1. , -1.30651513, 0.2145, 1. , -1.31108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=40, fig=1, gif=0)
xmin, xmax, ymax= -2, 180, 1.4
S0=[ 1. , -1.30651513, 0.1945, 1. , -1.31108151, 1.16676]
main(S0, time=200, fig=1, gif=0)